Sugar Matrix – Favourable developments have taken place in this sector

Friends, There has been lot of frenzied selling in market and the slowdown fears have been weighing heavily in the minds of investors. The the herd like behaviour, so common in times of confusion and expectation of change in tide, some times gives opportunity of once in a decade. You may have noticed the sugarContinue reading “Sugar Matrix – Favourable developments have taken place in this sector”

Nifty’s level now and in 2004

Friends, I have to tell some thing already told in other words. It is about Nifty’s level now and in 2004 when it was 2000 (Jan 04). At 2000 in 2004 the PE used to be around 20 and therefore the EPS worked out to 100. Now we know that during intervening five years thereContinue reading “Nifty’s level now and in 2004”